Here you will find the lyrics of the popular song – “Romantic Homicide” from the Movie/Album “Romantic Homicide”. The song/soundtrack was composed by the famous lyricist “David Burke” and was released On “July 20, 2022” in the beautiful voice of “ D4vd”. The song’s music video features an amazing, talented actor/actress “ D4vd”. It was released under the music label “Darkroom, Interscope”.
Romantic Homicide Lyrics in English
I’m scared (Oh-oh-oh)
It feels like you don’t care (Ooh-ooh)
Enlighten me, my dear (Ooh-ooh-ooh)
Why am I still here? Mm (Oh-oh)
I don’t mean to be
Complacent with the decisions you made
But why? Mm
In the back of my mind
You died
And I didn’t even cry
No, not a single tear
And I’m sick of waiting patiently
For someone that won’t even arrive
In the back of my mind
I killed you
And I didn’t even regret it
I can’t believe I said it
But it’s true
I hate you
Song Credits & Copyright Details:
Title: Romantic Homicide
Album: Romantic Homicide
Lyricists: David Burke
Released Date: July 20, 2022
Label: Darkroom, Interscope
Cast: D4vd
Singer: D4vd
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