Here you will find the lyrics of the popular song – ” I Am A Girl Like You” from the Movie/Album ” Cartoon Kids Show Song”. The song/soundtrack has been composed by the famous lyricist ” Amy Powers, Megan Cavallari” and was released on “2004” in the beautiful voice of ” Amy Powers”. It was released under the music label of ” Nickelodeon ”
Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper is a 2004 computer-animated musical fantasy film. It was released to video on September 28, 2004, and made its television premiere on Nickelodeon on November 14, 2004.
Barbie – I Am A Girl Like You Lyrics
Anneliese (speaking)-
I’m savoring my first and last
Taste of freedom before getting
Married next week.
Erika (speaking)-
At least, you’re not an
Indentured servant.
Anneliese (speaking)-
Indentured servant?
If I’d like to have my breakfast hot
Madame Carp will make me pay,
And I have to fetch the eggs myself
And the barn’s a mile away.
It’s cold and wet
But still I get an omelette on my plate,
But in my head I’m back in bed
Snuggled up and sleeping late.
Anneliese (speaking)-
Erika (speaking)-
Really. But it’s all right.
I mean, I’m used to it.
And you?
Anneliese (speaking)-
Erika (speaking)-
If I want some eggs I ring the bell
And the maid comes running in,
And she serves them on a silver tray
And she brings a cookie tin.
And while I eat, she rubs my feet
And strolling minstrels play,
But I’d rather be in my library
Reading science books all day.
I’m just like you
Anneliese (speaking)-
(you are?)
You’re just like me
There’s somewhere else we’d rather be
Somewhere that’s ours
Somewhere that dreams come true
Yes I am a girl like you.
You’d never think that it was so
But now I’ve met you and I know,
It’s plain as day
Sure as the sky is blue
I am a girl like you.
Anneliese (speaking)-
So, you’re a singer?
Erika (speaking)-
No, I work at Madame Carp’s penitentiary.
Uh, I mean, Dress Emporium.
Anneliese (speaking)-
I love Madame Carp’s dresses!
Erika (speaking)-
I made the one you’re wearing.
Anneliese (speaking)-
You made this? The design looks so complicated!
Erika (speaking)-
Oh, it isn’t really.
First I choose a fabric from the rack
And I pin the pattern down,
And I stitch it in the front and back
And it turns into a gown!
I wear my gown
Without my crown
And dance around my room
And imagine life without the strife
Of an unfamiliar groom.
Anneliese (speaking)-
But I’d never let my mother know.
I wouldn’t want to disappoint her.
Erika (speaking)-
I completely understand.
I’m just like you
(I think that’s true)
You’re just like me
(Yes I can see)
We take responsibility
We carry through
(We carry through)
Do what we need to go.
Yes I am a girl like you.
I’m just like you
(I’m just like you)
You’re just like me
(You’re just like me)
It’s something anyone can see
A heart that beats
(a heart that beats)
A voice that speaks the truth
Yes I am a girl like you.
Song Credits & Copyright Details:
Title: I Am A Girl Like You
Album: Cartoon Kids Show Songs
Lyricists: Amy Powers, Megan Cavallari
Singer: Amy Powers
Released Date: 2004
Label: Nickelodeon
Producer: Jesyca C. Durchin, Jennifer Twiner McCarron
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